We All Make Bad Financial Decisions, But They Don’t Have to Define The Rest Of Our Lives!
This one speaks for itself. Let the past be the past, and let’s start writing a better future.
Get Your Goals Ready and Let’s Make 2015 Epic
I have been ranting and raving about how EPIC 2015 is going to be. I am going into 2015 more prepared and more ambitious than any other new year. A lot of changes happened in 2014 for me and I want to keep that SNOW BALL MOMENTUM going. If you have not already done so, I […]
Outside of Mortgage Debt, I am Now Debt Free!
It is official, we paid off the car and now the only debt we have left to tackle is the mortgage. I know so many people say that mortgage debt is the good debt, and to an extent, I agree. But I think what most people forget is that you are only getting a tax […]