The Mission

The GYFG Mission Statement: To Humanize Finance, Build Wealth, and Reach Financial Freedom.

Most people don’t want to live drastically below their means for decades, even in order to reach  FINANCIAL FREEDOM, because they know it’s going to hurt. Cutting out all the joy in life for a shot at being a millionaire after 40 years of scrimping and saving doesn’t sound like the plan for me either!!! The good news is that there is another way. Instead of focusing on the expense side of the financial equation, this site is here to show you the OTHER path to financial freedom, by focusing on the income side of that same equation. There is a way to have your cake and eat it, too, but you have to be smart. I believe and hope that over time I will be able to convince you of the following:
In order to reach financial freedom you can choose to live below your means by either cutting expenses to the bone and living in a state of scarcity, or by expanding your means and living in a state of abundance, thereby increasing your opportunity to enjoy the $4 latte or any other indulgence of your choice. – Gen Y Finance

Not only that, but, if you’re diligent, you can reach financial freedom a lot sooner than anyone has ever led you to believe. You will have to be intentional with your finances if you ever want a fighting chance to make it to financial freedom, but it doesn’t have to take 40-50 years of slaving away for The Man before you have the option to retire. I personally think that 15-20 years is really all that’s needed, with the folks more aggressive in limiting expenditures (not me) or very high earners (yeah, me) probably able to reach financial independence in 10 years or less.

Still with me?

My aim with this blog is to TEACH, INSPIRE, MOTIVATE, and LEAD you to FINANCIAL FREEDOM. I promise to always write from personal experience and with FULL TRANSPARENCY. I share all of my financial details, with real numbers.

I know I don’t have to publish my juicy details every month, but it’s important to me that you know that I put my money where my mouth is. Not all that many finance blogs or people giving financial advice actually do this, especially not to the degree I do. I publish ALL of my financial details not to brag, but instead to show you what is working as well as what’s not working. You get to see all my successes and all of my failures. I’m willing to be your financial guinea pig, and happy to do it.

Sometimes finance can get pretty dense, but I think real life examples and real numbers can help slice through the complexities (and BS). This level of transparency is necessary to provide you the right context.

As always, you can find all my previous reports on the Financial Stats page (as well as annual trends and a few other financial metrics not found in the monthly reports).

There is a famous Jim Rohn quote that I think everyone should keep in mind:

If you don’t plan your future, somebody else will. And you know what they have planned for you? NOT MUCH! – Jim Rohn

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