Humble Beginning in Peer to Peer Lending

Peer to Peer Lending

I first dipped my toes in to the Peer to Peer lending market back in 2010. Back then I was just dabbling and transferred $2,000 into my investment account over a 6 month period. Looking back at the history it looks like this initial investment was made up of 5 separate deposits. I don’t really […]

[Guest Post] I only have $200 a month to invest, here’s what I do with it.


I am surprised to learn that millennials are actually pretty good at saving money. At times, the media can paint a picture of millennials as naive, buried in debt, and lacking common sense. This might be true for some 20 somethings, but millennials are saving anywhere from 5%-10% of their salaries. Only recently have I […]

Monthly Goal Check-in #10 – @ 11/1/2016

Goal Check 10

The theme for October has been to focus on health and fitness. All of the financial goals have either been exceeded or are on autopilot to success through the end of the year. As I shared earlier in October, I placed a $1,000 bet with a co-worker, with the winner who loses the most weight […]

[Guest Post] Freedom Fighter Interview #28 – Nick True

2016 Q2 Portfolio Update

Today we have Nick True, a Mechanical Engineer, and a self proclaimed tightwad. He got married young, at 20 years old, and then proceeded to ruin his honeymoon. But he and his wife got through this, and learned core beliefs and principals that now guide their financial life. I hope you enjoy the interview below. Nick, […]

[Guest Post] What I Learned Working With Someone Making $1.5M a Year

High Income Earner

Today we have a guest post from Finance Solver, the blogger over at He is a recent college graduate with a degree in finance and is sharing his unique path to wealth building, just like the rest of us in the personal finance blogosphere. In the guest post to follow, Finance Solver is going […]

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