[Guest Post] Is Getting a Prenup a Wise Financial Decision?


Today we have a guest post on the topic of prenups, a topic that has the potential to sour the romantic nature of relationships. I still remember a guest that attended my wedding reporting back to me that my grandmother had just said “I hope he got a prenup.” The funny thing is most people […]

FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Success


Do you find yourself getting distracted from the core of what you set out to accomplish this year? If so, it’s an appropriate time to remind you to FOCUS and to recite what this acronym stands for: Follow One Course Until Success It’s natural to get off course. If you think about it, a space craft headed to the […]

Income Across the USA – What Does It Take To Be In The Top 5%? Top 1%?

Top 5% Income Earner

As the income of the GYFG household has continued to grow, being the data-obsessed fellow that I am, I started to wonder where we ranked against other earners across the United States. Most people benchmark their investment returns, so why not benchmark our income? Lucky for us, the NY Times has made this extremely easy with […]

PeerStreet – Hard Money Lending For The Retail Investor

PeerStreet Review

I’m absolutely stoked to share the details of my recent visit with the founders of PeerStreet and what I’m dubbing my favorite investment of 2017 and beyond. This is going to become a very substantial piece of my overall asset allocation. It’s not often I get very excited about an asset class, but this is […]

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