This monthly series is my attempt to curate the web for you. I probably consume more content than one person should, but I am kind of a knowledge junkie. I don’t just consume content for the sake of consumption. The goal is to always learn something, gain a new perspective, contribute to the conversation, and fuel the idea factory. Reading is exercise for the brain and just like the body, it needs plenty of it to stay healthy.
In any given month I try to read at least 3-5 books. I also have over 100 different blogs that I follow from my Feedly app. In addition to the books and the blogs, I also listen to about a dozen podcasts. And then there is always the unplanned material that I stumble across or that gets shared with me.
With that said here are the ones I thought were worth sharing. They only represent a small percentage of what I actually read, but if you have the time they are worth checking out.
‘Pick yourself’ and taking responsibility – Seth Godin
Are you feeling lucky? – Seth Godin
Demand higher standards – Seth Godin
At the break of dawn – Josh @ White Collar Freedom
Why I Negotiated For A Pay Cut – Eli @ The Currency of Time
If I Can’t Figure It Out In A Decade – Part 2 from Eli above
How Lending Club and Prosper Fit with Stocks and Bonds – From Simon at Lending Memo
How the Fifth Most Powerful Women Really Gets Home for Dinner – Early To Rise
How to Retire in Your 30’s – Go Curry Cracker
Your Internet Habits Shape Your Reality – Zen Habits
Life after Pimco: Mohamed El-Erian on economics, politics and his hope for a ‘Sputnik moment’ – OC Register
Quit Your Airline Bitching – The 10th Man
Pascal’s Wager – The 10th Man
What Happens When You Turn On Your Inner Addict? – James Altucher
Money lesson 1: Live within your means. There are two ways to do that. – Laura Vanderkam
Courage comes in surprising forms (like Chipotle) – Ramit Sethi (I will teach you to be rich)
Thomas Jefferson’s 11 Rules for a Great Life – Early To Rise
An Addict’s Guide to Overcoming the Distraction Habit – Leo Babauta
Below you will find a 3-part series from Laura Vanderkam on money lessons she would like to pass on to her kids. Really worth the read if you have the time.
Money lesson 1: Live within your means. There are two ways to do that – Laura Vanderkam
Money lesson 2: The world doesn’t owe you anything – Laura Vanderkam
Money lesson 3: Money is a tool to build the life you want – Laura Vanderkam
The Art of Work; why the 10,000 hour rule is NOT TRUE with Jeff Goins – Entrepreneur On Fire
Awesome series on 6 stages of building a business from
Clarity: Stage 1 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS100)
Connection: Stage 2 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS101)
Planning: Stage 3 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS102)
Build: Stage 4 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS103)
Money: Stage 5 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS104)
Scale: Stage 6 of 6 on the Small Business Roadmap (FS105)
– Gary Vaynerchuk
The One-Page Financial Plan – Carl Richards
Lower Your Taxes – BIG TIME! 2015 Edition: Wealth Building, Tax Reduction Secrets from an IRS Insider – Sandy Botkin
The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth – James Altucher
– Gen Y Finance Guy
3 Responses
Thanks for the mention GYFG!
Can’t help but share great content 🙂
Again I fear the part of your blog where this is no longer part of your updates!
Grateful while they’re still here though :).. Oh and surprised you aren’t getting more comments on this too haha