Do you ever realize how happy your dog is just being “present?”
I think we could all learn a thing or two observing how a dog takes time to smell the roses (among other things). I often wonder what is going on in my dog’s mind. My wife and I will even go so far as to ask him questions and then answer in his “voice.” You would only understand if you had a dog, and if you don’t have a dog, I probably sound a bit out of my mind.
But stick with me here…
Dogs have really got it figured out. They live a very low-stress life and get excited over simple things like walks, Frisbee, dog beaches, food, and quality time with their family (i.e. petting, cuddling, hanging out under my feet, etc.). They never lose perspective of what it means to be present and enjoy life. As humans it’s so easy to stay busy making a living that we forget to take time to make a life.
One of my all-time favorite fiction books is “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” by Garth Stein. It is a story that is told from the dog’s perspective and is the inspiration for the post I wrote for my good friends over at the Frugalwoods blog.
Don’t tell him I told you this, but I pretend to be really into our discussions on the financial markets in order to get a few extra minutes of Frisbee time. He tends to nerd out a lot on all things Finance, when I couldn’t care less. Life is just way too short, and I would much rather be chasing a ball or a catching a Frisbee mid-air. He can’t help it, but I still love him. And let’s be real, I have to humor him – someone in the family has to figure out how to keep food in my bowl and replace worn out balls and Frisbees. I let him think he’s in charge when I’m really just playing him like a fiddle.
Read the whole story over at the Frugalwoods blog and find out what life is all about from the perspective of my dog, Buddy. This was an absolute blast to write and I hope you enjoy it. I will be hanging out over on their blog responding to comments.
– Gen Y Finance Guy
6 Responses
Pets do have it good and dogs especially seem to be so stress free lol. They certainly are the best greeters – always super excited when you come home and rarely in a bad mood unless they are feeling sick. It’d be nice if people were as stable and chipper as dogs lol. 🙂
Your so right.
We could all take a lesson from out dogs. Or if you don’t have a dog from a friends dog 🙂
Haha man love this story.. Even though yes I may not be a dog owner (I’ll likely be one of these days) I do get it & they (dogs) totally get it as well 🙂
Cool post man, mixing it up as well go through them I see
Glad you liked it! It was a fun one to write.
Your life will not be the same once you get a dog. I can’t imagine life with out a dog now.
Fun post! I have a dog named Murphy we got from a shelter and he is 100% happy to just be “present” as you said. He is always excited when I come home, even if I was really only gone for 30 seconds because I forgot something. We could learn a few lessons from dogs every once in a while.
Totally Agree!
What kind of dog is Murphy?