This monthly series is my attempt to curate the web for you. I probably consume more content than one person should, but I am kind of a knowledge junkie. I don’t just consume content for the sake of consumption. The goal is to always learn something, gain a new perspective, contribute to the conversation, and fuel the idea factory. Reading is exercise for the brain and just like the body, it needs plenty of it to stay healthy.
In any given month I try to read at least 3-5 books. I also have over 100 different blogs that I follow from my Feedly app. In addition to the books and the blogs, I also listen to about a dozen podcasts. And then there is always the unplanned material that I stumble across or that gets shared with me.
With that said here are the ones I thought were worth sharing. They only represent a small percentage of what I actually read, but if you have the time they are worth checking out.
10 Reasons To Stay At Your Job – James Altucher
One Incredibly Simple Hack to Building an Online Business – Sarah @ Unsettle
Are you certain that you’re trapped? – Seth Godin
Ahoy, Polloi – The 10th Man (What happens to Buy & Hold when a Bear Market comes?)
APRIL TRAFFIC AND INCOME REPORT – $25,496.19 – Pinch of Yum
How to Generate a $1,000,0000 from your blog – Quick Sprout
“I Want to Create Passive Income, But I Don’t Know Where to Start” — Part I – Afford Anything
“I Want to Create Passive Income, But I Don’t Know Where to Start” — Part II – Afford Anything
Mortgage As A Forced Savings Account To Build Wealth – Financial Samurai
Shift In Strategy: How I’m Preparing For a Market Crash – FI Fighter
What I am Teaching My Son About Money – MMM
Warren Buffett’s Has Been Reducing His Bond Exposure For Years – CHARLES SIZEMORE’S TUMBLR
19 Things That Actually Happened in 1999 – Dividend Reference
Covert Gamma, Portfolio Insurance, and STDs – The 10th Man
Interview with Founder of Lending Memo – Farnoosh
Putting People Over Profit – School of Greatness podcast
Building a Profitable Business in an Unusual Niche with Anthony Metivier – Unsettle
Little Things Matter – Todd Smith
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life – Walter Isaacson
12 Responses
You are a much more prolific reader and listener than I am! And I have no excuse because I’m early retired… 🙂
Thanks for giving me some good content to read 🙂
I am sure you are spending your time during early retirement just the way you want.
Thanks for taking the time to publish the list of articles. There are several I haven’t read yet.
My pleasure MDP!
Glad to be of service.
Thanks for sharing these great posts and podcast Mr. GYFG! I would love to listen some of the podcasts.
My pleasure Kate. The podcasts were great!
Dude, just read “I Want to Create Passive Income, But I Don’t Know Where to Start” — Parts I & II. Wow is she a good writer (following her now).
I love her graph modeling the time-money relationship. Defiantly helps motivate since I’m in the early stages of entrepreneurship (lots of time, no money).
Can’t wait for the later parts!
Keep curating, I’ll keep reading them. Next on the list is Quick Sprout.
Hey Kevin,
Stoked that you’re finding value in the curated list. We get so inundated with so much content that it can become overwhelming.
Glad I can hope point out a few gems.
Still have these content curations I see.. You’re good at them Dom, I’d pay a solid $2 – $3 a week for your suggestions / recommendations, not sure if others would however could this be a business idea? 😉
Glad you are enjoying them Jef!
Maybe could be a business idea…something to think about in the future when I have more time freed up. Spending a lot of energy on the career right now, will have plenty to share on the blog over the next 6 months, but too early to spill the beans just yet.
Awesome to hear that it’s all coming along nicely & I’ve gotta catch up yet, I’ll likely read them some time next year 😉 ha
Agreed, everything you say yes to is something else you say no to right!
Yep, there is always a cost to every yes!