Low Probability + High Return Hedge Strategy

Tax Consequence If My Wife Stops Working

In a prior blog post, I alluded to a new strategy that interests me. It’s one that most will probably not agree with, which makes me like it even more. Please understand that what I’m about to write is not a recommendation for you, nor should it be considered financial advice. Ever since reading Nassim […]

June 2020 – Detailed Financial Report #66

Income Report

It’s hard for me to believe that everything is just going to go back to normal overnight. Or even that we’ve seen all the pain we are going to see during this pandemic. But I also acknowledge that I could be wrong – either in my timing or hypothesis of what is likely to happen […]

The Only Fortune You Have To Spend Down To Zero

Poof! The first six months of 2020 are officially in the rearview mirror along with the 15,724,800 seconds they represented. And you thought money was slippery? At the end of the day, money is only a measure of how much time freedom you have. If you think about the 4% rule, its basic premise is […]

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